Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Reflective Essay

There are many points in my essays on Neufield as well as Kalman that I would like to revise. I will be revising different things from the purpose of the papers, the audience, and also certain choice I have made on the direct choices from the original essays themselves.
            In Kalman’s essay I chose to really focus on the message of slowing down out fast paced life as well as instilling these values of eating healthier within our children. “That today we as a society have built up this image that all meals have to be extravagant or at a fast food place to be enjoyable. Though Back to the Land, she shows us that simple is sometime better and the time it takes to make theses meals and sit down and just simply enjoy them is what life is all about.” (991145318 1). In this portion of my paper I was trying to show how the image how we are to live life is perceived by society as a whole and also by Kalman. With the many different points that Kalman brings awareness to in her paper I chose to focus on the overall goal of living a more slower paces fulfilling lifestyle as well as how she incorporates children and families into her essay though text and images. “People are rushing to get from place to place instead of taking the time to enjoy things that are really important like home cooked meals and the family time associated with them” (991145318 1). This sentence is meant to help the readers relate to themselves by thinking if this sentence pertains to them or not.
            Another part my paper on Kalmans essay that was important to me to write about was the children and family. “Families are also suffering with the fast food that is taking over. Families are no longer cooking together, eating together, or even just appreciating the food that the farmers are growing for them. In missing out on family eating together they are also lacking in some activities that really help the family bond together like preparing the table and cleaning up afterwards” (991145318 2-3). This portion of my paper is shown to help me readers really grasp the significance of a family actually acting as a family in everything that they do. In writing this paper my audience is for all ages, in hoping that everyone who reads strives to make a change at home. Whether the change is coming from a parent that decides that they should be cooking at home and enjoying everything they can within the family unit or a child that brings home these values to the parent. With the children being aware of the ever growing fast society as stated in my essay “teaching children is vital to keeping society moving towards a healthier future”, (119945318 3) this is extremely important message for them.
Another essay that I want to review is the Neufield essay. I was not very aware of all the hardship that happened to those who lived in New Orleans after hurricane Katrina. Neufield essay helped bring light to this for me. Thus for I wanted to help others who were unaware understand the significance of the event for people affect as well as their emotions.  My audience for this piece was all ages. And for my audience I chose not to use the profanity that was used in the original comic so that it would be appropriate for everyone. I know that the use of the profanity in the comic helped drive home the angry and hopelessness of those involved but I feel that since my interpretation of the comic was with words and not images it would be just as easy to omit them so that I would have a larger audience.
I really wanted to focus on the emotions of the people from New Orleans. And take a closer look at the different personalities within the comic and how they have changed from what they might have been before the disaster. I try to make it clear that not everyone always had the same attitude that was portrayed in the comic by saying that “people who may have been the model citizen that had turned to violence to fill the necessity for them to survive or a loved one” (119945318 2). This was shown in the comic and described in my essay with the example of the father and his baby. I chose to use this example to show the change in emotion within the father. I also wanted to bring to attention the lack of sensitivity to the dead. I used the portion of the comic that showed the elderly women, Mr. Williams, who had died in her wheelchair and they just pushed her to the back and covered her with a blanket. I really liked this example since it helped to get Neufield message across that “I think was to let Neufield’s reader know that there really was no place for safety, no place for the dead, no place for an escape from the nightmare they were going through. The people at the stadium may have not found it to be necessary because they were trying to dodge the same fate that Ms. Williams had met” (119945318 2).
I really hope that my messages within my essays are understood and the examples provide help to get the message across that the Kalman and Neufield wanted people to understand.

Friday, November 18, 2011

4-5 Essay Review

To start my paper on Kalman's essay my purpose is to get people to think about how they are going about their life. Also to get my readers to understand the thoughts of Kalman and help them to imagine the images that she used within her essay. By giving examples of the images that were shown as well as using quotes help the reader to imagine. My audience for this papers is geared towards everyone. I want to get the younger people interested in the thought of eating healthier as well as get the adults motivated to be healthier and slow their lifestyle down to increase the satisfaction to their lifestyle.

Writing a paper on Neufeld's comic I was hoping to show the changes in people. The changes include: changes in personality, social status, as well as the changes that take place within themselves. I show these changes in the paper with the example of the way the "thugs" changed there demeanor. They were thought to be rough and unsympathetic, however after hurricane Katrina they were shown as helping and caring to all who was effected. Also they were scarifying themselves to do what was best for the group. The raided a store but not to benefit themselves but to pass out the goods to the group. My audience for this essay would have to be for everyone excluding younger readers for the language used.

In writing about the Junod article my purpose of my essay is to show that different thoughts and views of those effected by September 11th. I am hoping to show that the people show their emotions in different ways. As am artist would make a masterpiece and also as a photographer would express though images. Where as others express how they are feeling with anger and denial. An example used in my paper was the way the Hernandez family felt about the actual falling man. They thought he was a disgrace to all who had died on that horrible morning. My audience for this geared towards adults also for some language content as well as some ideas that may be hard to understand by an immature young adult.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


The quote that I have chosen to write about is from the a part of the essay that talks about representing how we all feel, not just those who were directly effected. The direct quote is " I was trying to say something about the way we all feel" (Junod, pg 74). This is a very powerful quote in the fact that this is the way the artist and as well as the photographer were feeling about showing their interpretation. I think that this quote helps convey the message that these "artworks" were not meant for intentional harm but rather so express how everyone was feeling. The horrific event cannot be ignored and others deserve to know about the emotions of others. The hatred for the people who provided the art also show that some are not willing to accept that the emotion that they feel is not necessarily widely felt.

Also from the book the idea some have behind the reason why people jumped. The people whom thought it was wrong to have jumped also have the idea that they want to disassociate themselves from the jumpers themselves. Many responded with angry saying that they do not know the any of the jumpers. They expressed that they didn't want to be related to any of the jumpers as well. A great example of this was when the a member of the Hernandez family said that she was not related to that falling man by saying that he was disgusting for jumping (Junod pg 72). This showed that she really did have a hatred for the people that did in fact jump.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

3-5 Continued

After receiving my review from another student I agree that I should add some more quotes into that paper to help the reader understand the feeling in the comic. I also agree that I need to add more detail about the man and the child. Giving more detail about this character will show my readers the manner in which this father is portrayed. I also like the pages included within my review this helps me to see what images my readers are in visioning while reading my paper. Or also what images might pop into a readers head that has never read the comic.

3-5 Revision Plan

For the most part I think the order of my paper was okay and did flow well. The last paragraph may need to be moved towards the beginning of the paper or expanded on. Also one point made in my review was to refer to the term thug as a term that the author used to describe some of the young men in the essay. This is important for the readers to know this is not my personal thought or word choice. Overall I think all of the feedback that I received was wonderful. All points were valid and made sense. There were a couple that I had to reread because in writing the original paper everything made sense to me. but after going back and reading my essay as if I were an outside reader, there were some points to clear up. There were a few instances where I mentioned the word "they" but didn't clarify who I was referring to.

I don't think direction wise that there is a different way I want my paper to go. I think I put good thought into my paper but again I just need to expand a little more in some areas. Some parts that I still have questions on is if my corrections that I have made are sufficient enough to clear up any questions after reading the essay the first time around. This question however can be solved after I re-submit my draft. Otherwise I don't have any other questions.